Maggie the cat and When this you see....

I have been working on "When this you see..." again. It is such a fun pattern to work on and I love WDW Thistle which is the vine attaching the purple flowers. It varigates between pink and green and is so pretty. What did we ever do before overdyed floss? Maggie, one of my 3 cats fell asleep near me in the cutest pose so I had to take her picture.
It was my birthday on Sunday. My parents came up for dinner, cake, and presents. Love the present part. It was a great day.
My friend Sue and I are goint to start Celtic Autumn by L&L but Sue got a conversion chart so instead of the purples and yellows it is in reds, golds, and browns. It is gorgeous. We are also going to stitch it on Crystal Relic which is a hand dyed sparkly Belfast linen. I can't wait to get that fabric so we can start that. Ah,,,after I finish a few other present things. Well, there is nothing wrong with stitching many things at once, right? Right.

At 11:35 PM,
Carol said…
I can't wait to see your start on Celtic Autumn - hopefully Sue will bring hers to the shop once in a while for show and tell :-)
I got your email about links... I see you have links set up now... still lost? I will help you!
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