Miss B in the tree
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas/Holiday. I am off today and tomorrow so I really wanted to finish up some pieces I have been stitching for a long time. I finished The Trilogy "Autumn Line-up" and "Scarlet Berries" from Carriage House Samplings. I am very happy with both finishes. I just spent some time up in my craft/sewing room reorganizing my stash and fabrics and I found the design I want to stitch. It is Be Not Weary by Hands to Work. I have loved this design since I bought it a few years ago and don't know why I haven't started it before today. Anyway, I am fighting the urge to buy a pizza. I have been on the South Beach Diet and have lost 14 pounds. It's a really good change but I do crave pizza... a lot. :) Oh, and here is a picture of Bella in my Christmas tree. She climbed up the trunk and made herself
At 8:58 PM,
Cathy B said…
Congratulations on your finishes - they look great! As soon as I get off the 'puter I'm going to clean my stitching room too - need to get organized for the New Year!
At 10:17 AM,
mainely stitching said…
Wow, fabulous finishes!!! Can't wait to see your next project, either.
Your kitty in the tree would make a great card for next year....
And 14 pounds?! Wow, I need to check that out!
At 4:57 PM,
Nicki said…
Your finishes look great - congratulations!
And I love the kitty in the tree picture! :)
At 12:14 AM,
Dani - tkdchick said…
Congratulations on your finishes! Your cat looks just adorable in the tree!!!
At 10:29 AM,
Leah said…
Beautiful finishes--I particularly love Scarlett Berries!!
At 10:56 AM,
Michelle said…
Beautiful finishes! I love Scarlet Berries - what a pretty piece. I know what you mean about the pizza - I love pizza and could eat it all the time...but you are doing so good - 14 pounds CONGRATULATIONS!!!
At 10:17 PM,
Glenna said…
Wow--I love both finishes! The kitty peeking out of the tree is so cute...funny that of my six cats, none of them climb the tree. Disappointing!
At 8:38 AM,
Unknown said…
Beautiful finishes! Your cat is too funny :)
At 6:44 PM,
Sharon said…
Beautiful finishes! Bella, looks adorable in the tree-I agree with Barb-would make a neat Christmas card.
14 pounds is amazing-sounds like you could a little treat.
At 4:29 PM,
Wendy said…
I love the kitty in the tree! That's a great picture. You have some gorgeous new finishes too, Ann. Congrats on the weight loss also.
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