I can't believe it is week 15 on the Celtic Autumn stitch-along with Sue and Joyce. I was home not feeling well today so I got to stitch a lot on this and am really happy with how it is coming out. I have done more on the 2 red houses for my aunt and uncle but didn't post a pic this time. I need to finish that quick so I can make a frame and get it done before Christmas. I finished my Mom's stocking and love how it came out. The back fabric is green with green tree branches and the lining is muslin. That lining was tricky but once I remembered how to do it, it wasn't so bad. And, a picture of Bella, aka The Baby B. I put my tree up the other day and Chester and Bella lost their minds. They have been chasing each other around it like lunatics, hiding behind it and under it. It is so funny to watch. Maggie was dipping her paw in

the water and licki

ng it off the other day too. Oh, they love Christmas. :)
At 7:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your Mom's stocking came out great and Celtic Autumn looks wonderful. I can't wait until I actually reach the bottom of part of her skirt, any part will do :)
At 11:16 AM,
Wendy said…
Your Mom's stocking look great! Has she seen it yet? I'm sure she will be thrilled. Great work on Celtic Autumn too.
At 1:49 AM,
Samantha said…
I love the stocking! And your Celtic Autumn is coming along in leaps & bounds :o)
At 11:50 AM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
Both pieces look lovely! I love your stocking.
At 7:26 PM,
Sharon said…
The stocking turned out great! You are making good progress on CA. Bella is adorable and such a great name.
At 12:10 AM,
Cathy B said…
The stocking turned out great!
At 5:07 AM,
mainely stitching said…
Spin the Cat has ignored the tree this year. We got a smaller one, and that may be the reason. Rigby, our dog, is pretty curious about it.
Your Mom's stocking and your CA are beautiful. Great work!!
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