Another schlep bag and kitty love

I am obsessed with these schlep bags. They are so easy to make and rather fun. I fell in love with these brown and pink fabrics so I made a bag out of them. I loved it so much I went back to the fabric store and bought more brown and pinks to make a quilt. I can't wait to start it. I had my quilt guild meeting tonight and it was great, there are so many nice ladies there.
So, here's my Olde Willow Stitchery thread story. Over a month ago I put in an order for 2 skeins of thread at Wyndham Needleworks, an online store.
*side note* If anyone is planning on stitching Women of the Mayflower (Barb and Joyce), you will need 2 skeins of Midnight Madness, Meetinghouse Rust, and Shaklewell Wine. I chose to use Shaklewell Wine for the title because the color it calls for is too light.
Whenever I have ordered OWS thread before it has taken forever to arrive so I figured that was the same with WN. But after 5 weeks I emailed them asking when they thought my order would come. They emailed me back saying they sent out an email saying they don't do orders under $6. The email was returned to them undelivered, I have no idea why. So, I could have ordered this thread somewhere else during this time. I was really irritated b/c my phone number was included in the order so they had it. I sent them an email saying I was pretty upset they didn't call me or make any attempt to contact me again. I would have gladly added onto the order. They never replied to that email. So, I won't be ordering from there and I really love their stuff. But I'll tell you, I have worked in customer service since I was 14 and it really irks me when businesses do stuff like that.

I am much better now that I have vented. :D Here is a picture of Maggie and Bella 30 seconds before a fight broke out. On my next post I will have to tell you the "cat next door" story. Night.
At 9:21 PM,
Wendy said…
I love your schlep bag, Ann! Is there a pattern for these? You can just never had too many bags and I have some gorgeous 5" charm pieces that I don't know what to do with.
What a shame you waited so long for threads only to find out they were never coming! I don't blame you for being majorly po'ed. I've only ordered once from Wyndham and that was enough for me, I'm afraid.
At 10:16 PM,
Von said…
I love all kinds of bags and especially yor schlep bags! The brown and pink combination is gorgeous and can understand why you want a quilt of it. :D
At 11:00 PM,
Carol said…
Hi Ann, Yikes - what a story about Wyndham Needleworks! I have only purchased there a couple of times, but that is only because they don't take PayPal, my preferred method of payment since I can send non-credit card funds. I am using 36 ct for WOTM and seem to be doing OK with one skein of each color... jury is still out about the purple shade though!
At 4:54 AM,
Annemarie said…
Love your schlep bag. You're right, pinks and browns go so well together!
At 6:07 PM,
Cathy B said…
Sorry to hear about your bad experience - I can understand why you were frustrated. I would have been too!
At 9:06 AM,
Carol said…
Ann, if you are still looking for the OW floss for WOTM, check out ebay seller markmilion. I buy from them all the time and they are wonderful - they have all those colors in stock!
At 3:34 PM,
CindyMae said…
I just love the bad and the kitties!!! I am so sorry you have had trouble with your ordering, it can be so aggravating sometimes!!!!!
At 8:29 PM,
Barb said…
Can't blame you for being upset with bad service who wouldn't be upset! You schlep bags are cute. I loved the picture of the two kitties even if it was before a fight broke out.
At 7:30 PM,
Singular Stitches said…
The bag is wonderful!!! I love those retro pink and brown colors!!
The kitties are just *too* cute together.
At 9:18 PM,
Sharon said…
I love your schlep bag-very pretty and the colors are some of my favorites. Your cats are adorable.
At 4:30 PM,
Michelle said…
I love this bag! Great colors you chose - no wonder you want to make a quilt out of them! I can understand your frustration with Wyndham. My last experience ordering from them frustrated me as well. Celtic Autumn looks great too!
At 2:07 PM,
mainely stitching said…
ooohh - Thanks for the warning on the fibers. I'll have to make a note of that for when I *finally* get this one going!
Seems that bad customer service is more the norm than the exception anymore. :(
At 10:37 AM,
Gina E. said…
'30 seconds before a fight broke out' - LOL LOL LOL!! Cats are so funny! Cute piccie.
At 9:21 PM,
Rachel V said…
This pink and brown bag is to die for. Love it love it love it!
:( sorry about your order mishap. I waited for something like 2 months for an order this summer so I know what a pain this is.
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