Celtic Autumn Update

I did my Celtic Autumn SAL on thursday with Sue and Joyce. Yes, I realize it is sunday and I am just now posting a picture of it. For some reason I am having trouble lately posting and taking pictures. Oh, the lazy days of autumn. :D Like I have lazy days. I also made something for Carto but can't post a pic yet until she gets it. Later alligators.
At 5:34 AM,
Unknown said…
CA is my favorite of the four. I just love the colors in it!
At 7:21 AM,
Wendy said…
You have made some lovely progress on this one - great work!
At 9:54 AM,
BeckySC said…
She's coming along beautifully :)
I took mine to the framers last week :) Can't wait to get her back :)
Have a great day!
At 8:40 PM,
Barb said…
She's coming along nicely.
At 8:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, you are making great progress. I really love the colors you all are using.
At 11:04 PM,
CindyMae said…
Wonderful progress, I can not wait to see even more of it!!
At 2:08 PM,
mainely stitching said…
At 8:49 AM,
Joyce said…
Ann, she's lovely! I realize this SAL is not a race, but I can't help but be inspired by your progress on Celtic Autumn. I want to stitch more!
At 9:39 AM,
Margaret said…
Love the colors & the fabric you're stitching on. This is going to be beautiful.
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