Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"Mum, is that you?" - the cats

The last 2 weeks have been two of the busiest weeks I have ever had. The cats are starting to forget who I am. Let's put it this way, when I come home, go right on past the kitchen and straight to bed with no nightly snack, it's been a long day. I did that twice. And I love snacks. :D I have been so consumed with the new jewelry business, framing, and the Board, I have barely stitched. But... I did do some work on Celtic Autumn, my Thursday SAL with Sue and Joyce. It is really fun and I started the gold braid on it too. Sue had a great idea of attaching the beads with invisible thread which I think I will do. Well, off to get ready for my first jewelry party (tomorrow night). This is also the final week of my class, Influence Strategies for Organizational Change, and the next one starts up on sunday. :D

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sheep Sheep

I love sheep. They just crack me up. And turkeys. I don't know what it is about them but they are so funny. So, I bought the sheep pattern from Buttermilk Basin and made the sheep out of felt and then stitched up the blanket for September. Isn't it cute? I have my LNS ordering the October blanket for me and the Nov - April ones haven't come out yet. Also, I thought you might like to see a pic of my Halloween wall. I couldn't wait to take the summer stuff down and put up all the fall. If you notice Halloween Fairy is missing, it's because it is on another wall. And, some pics of the cats too. Right now I am listening to Chester and Bella pretend my stairway is NASCAR. It makes me happy. :D

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thursday Celtic Autumn SAL

Well, it's thursday and I actually didn't have anything planned tonight. It's a miracle. Next week is a killer, 4 nights of stuff in a row. I'm gonna need a vacation. Anyway, Celtic Autumn is coming along awesome. But, man, is it hard to keep track of where you are on the chart. I mark everything with a pencil but still, whoa. Also, remember about 3 months ago when I did a project for my mom and my dad and forgot to take a picture of them. Well, here they are. HIH Mother's Wisdom for Mother's Day and a ham radio design for my Dad, who is a ham. And speaking of pictures I forgot to take....I started and finished Chessie & Me Starry Cat or whatever it was called for my friend who's cat passed away. I took the suggestion on a post to my blog and put Chex at the bottom. She loved it and it came out awesome. So, thank you to who left that suggestion. :D

I have also started a new part time job...selling jewelry. Jewels by Park Lane is the company and the jewelry is awesome! If anyone is interested in buying or selling, let me know. Ann.

Friday, September 08, 2006

A new start and a finish

Last night I was suppose to start the Celtic Autumn SAL with Sue and Joyce but I had to finish Spring Snapperland. So tonight I pretended it was my Thursday CA SAL and did some stitching on it. I love this fabric, it is the same one Sue is using. It is 28ct Picture This Plus Crystal Relic and it is so dreamy. I am not a gold person but I love this fabric and the effect it will have with the converted autumn colors is going to be incredible. It is going to be hard to only stitch this on Thursdays but I am really looking forward to it. Sue already posted hers and it is so neat to see how we start in the same place but move off in different directions.

Spring Snapperland is done! I had a blast stitching this and I love the effect of the white flowers on the grey fabric. I can't wait to start the Winter Snapperland but I will wait a little bit for that. There are so many things I want to stitch first.

Bent Creek Spring Snapperland with Freebie Border Chart
28ct Confederate Grey
Changed small border flower color from WDW cocoa to WDW mulberry
Started 8-4-06 Finished 9-7-06

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

T, U, V, W, X, X, X

Well I was stitching Scarlet Berries the other night and there are 3 boxes in the upper right corner. So I did the first box with an X in it and then did the next 2 boxes like the first, not looking at the pattern. When I was done I layed it out and said "Hmmm, why are there 3 X's in this design?" Of course, once I actually looked at the pattern I realized that I had created my own version of the alphabet. It was suppose to be X, Y, Z. Oops, I shall be frogging that. :D

I went to a stitch-in at my LNS Tuesday night and it was a lot of fun. There was a great group of women there whose company I enjoyed. I wish we could do it more often. I am almost done with Spring Snapperland. I was hoping to have it done tonight but it's not happening. I hope to post a pic of it by Friday. Night.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Goals, what goals?

So, I was with Sue the other day and she told me how she did her first goals for september. And then I kind of remembered something from a month ago about my own goals. Now, what was that again? Oh, yeah, I did up a list of goals for August. I bet you already know the answer to "have I bothered to look at them to make sure I was achieving them?" Look at them, I didn't even remember that I did them. I suppose I should take a look at those huh? :D

Well, in case Sheldon Hawks House was on that list....It's Done! I loved this design, The Good Huswife is awesome (I wish she was still designing), and the 40ct was cool to work on. I was working on the Bent Creek Spring Snapperland today and it is on 28ct so going from 40ct to 28ct was like hitting the turbo button.

Sheldon Hawks House
The Good Huswife
40ct R & R Antique Cotton
DMC - did not change colors (on purpose)
Started 7-30-06 Finished 9-3-06

I found the August Goals. I think I was a bit too ambitious.

1. Finish Plymouth Sampler and frame it - Done
2. Finish Spring Snapperland
3. Make frames for 2 Welcome Spots and Roses are Red and frame them with mats - Done
4. Work on Women of the Mayflower SAL with Carol, Sue, and anyone else doing it. - Done
5. Work on Leslie's Peacock Garden
6. Finish one UFO -
7. Work on Sheldon Hawk House - done and finished it
8. Finish Haunt the Night Away - Done
9. Finish Winter Soapbox

So I guess I should come up with some goals for September.

1. Finish one UFO
2. Finish Spring Snapperland
3. Work on Scarlet Berries
4. Leslie's Peacock Garden - frog house and re stitch with new colors (the colors called for do not match the picture and I love the reds and blues in the picture so I am editing it a little)
5. Finish sheep punch needle project
6. Finish Women of the Mayflower
7. Start Celtic Autumn SAL with Sue and Joyce