Westwinds and my friend
I am going to start something new for my blog. I am going to link to another blog I read when I post in case you haven't found that blog yet. Today's is Coastal Stitching, which is a fun blog I found when she posted to my site. She does awesome stitching and her site is so friendly and reminds me of the beach and ocean, well, except for the picture she posted today :).
My friend Sue came over yesterday. We were going to stitch but we never quite got to that part. :) We talked and she helped me choose which of my new silkweaver fabrics go with which patterns. It was so much fun. We matched up about 6 fabrics. Ever since I have known Sue, whever we get together the time flies by and before we know it, 3 hours or more have passed. It is so cool to have a friendship like that. Here is my progress on Westwinds by Barrick Samplers (now Carriage House Samplings) and it is on 32ct Days Gone By linen. I love, love, love this fabric. Thanks again Sue!
My friend Sue came over yesterday. We were going to stitch but we never quite got to that part. :) We talked and she helped me choose which of my new silkweaver fabrics go with which patterns. It was so much fun. We matched up about 6 fabrics. Ever since I have known Sue, whever we get together the time flies by and before we know it, 3 hours or more have passed. It is so cool to have a friendship like that. Here is my progress on Westwinds by Barrick Samplers (now Carriage House Samplings) and it is on 32ct Days Gone By linen. I love, love, love this fabric. Thanks again Sue!
At 12:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
So glad you had a nice time with Sue :) Love your start on Westwinds - I have this in my stash and I'm looking forward to stitching it!
At 1:56 AM,
Sharon said…
Sounds like you two had a lovely time-it's like that too when I get with my friend. Your new start on Westwinds looks beautiful on that fabric.
At 6:12 AM,
Unknown said…
I love that fabric! Great start!
At 7:32 AM,
Dani - tkdchick said…
Aren't friends like that wonderful? I have the best time with my stitching buddies!
Beautiful progress, and that fabric looks awesome!
At 1:45 PM,
Michelle said…
Glad you had a fun time with Sue - she really has an eye for matching fabric with designs. I love Days Gone By - I'll be stitching Chatelaine's Egyptian Garden on it. Cool idea to share blogs we might not have found before...I'll check this one out!
At 3:38 PM,
BeckySC said…
Westwinds is looking great, Ann :)
I tell you, I have some friends I just couldn't do without :) They mean the world to me I sure wish I could sit down with them, but as they are oceans away I can't do that :):) but our online time together is just pricless :) Glad you and Sue had a nice visit :)
At 10:29 AM,
Von said…
Stitching friends are the greatest and our times together fly at jet speed. I just visited my best stitchy friend, Connie. We don't always get much stitching done, but inspiration abounds!
At 6:49 PM,
Rob said…
I was suprised to see my blog name on your blog! That is a neat idea.
Thank you for linking to my site.
BTW -- tell Sue 'hi' for me.
At 6:57 PM,
Heather said…
Glad you had fun with Sue, stitching friends are the best :D Your start looks great!
At 2:26 AM,
mainely stitching said…
I absolutely LOVE Westwinds. I want to do it - someday, when I catch up a bit more on the million other projects I want to do!! LOL
At 9:33 AM,
Barbara J said…
Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving those lovely comments. You do great work yourself and framing them...oh my... :) That must be the best talent combo ;)
Send my regards to Sue, miss her visits to my blog and miss seing her progress on CA or has she finished it already!? :)
At 11:57 AM,
Sue said…
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm surprised how many people have found my blog already since I'm new. But I love it! Your stitching is wonderful and those fabrics that you won, woohoo, talk about having some stuff to drool over ;)
At 10:00 PM,
Margaret said…
What could be better than spending time with a stitching buddy!! Glad you and Sue had such a fun time.
Great start on 'Westwinds'.
At 7:43 AM,
Unknown said…
Sounds like you have a best friend call Sue too - just like me!! We also have loads of fun choosing fabrics too! I have Royal Holiday as a WIP on Days Gone By and agree with you - it's wonderful! Take care and happy stitching, Nicola x
At 10:36 PM,
Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said…
OH, what a lovely time you had with Sue, Ann! :-) It would be wonderful to have a friend who stitches living close by! Do tell Sue hello from me... I miss her blog... and miss her stopping by mine...
I love your start on Westwinds... This one is on my Wish List... I can't wait to see more... :-)
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