The frogs got me
I must have frogged that A in Autumn 5 times. Weird how that can keep happening in the same place. And why do they call it frogging anyway? I can think of another name to call it. Well, since this is my 2nd post today, I'll keep it short. I have finished the head of the lady and the Autumn minus the beads. I love this design. And a million thank yous to whoever it was who did the conversion to the oranges. Great job.
At 5:14 AM,
mainely stitching said…
Because of the 'rip it' noise the thread makes as you pull it out. Ripit, ribbit ... we're an odd bunch, what can I say.
Sorry you've had an attack of the frogs, but I think she's looking lovely anyway!
At 7:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no, not the frogs. She looks so beautiful. I love the fact that we're doing her as a SAL but we've never been in the same place on her at the same time.
Have a wonderful time on your trip!
At 7:33 AM,
Angi said…
Frogs can be insidious!! Gorgeous WIP as well, I love these colors!
At 9:09 AM,
Erica said…
Sorry 'bout the frogs - hope it wasn't my fault. They paid me a very lengthy visit last week and it took me a while to scare them off. Would you like my leftover can of frog repellant??? :-)
Love your Celtic Autumn - she looks lovely.
At 10:22 AM,
BeckySC said…
Looking lovely :)
At 9:52 PM,
Cathy B said…
I'm sorry about the frogs...
At 11:17 AM,
Stitch Wizard said…
Oh the frogs have been at my house too at times!! Don't ya just hate that!! Your Celtic Autumn is just really beautiful though! Congrats on your win at Silkweavers!! That is so awesome!! Debby :)
At 2:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh no, what a nuisance! When that happens to me I usually find coming at it from a different direction helps, otherwise I just keeping making the same mistake over and over. She's looking splendid though! :)
At 2:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh and BTW...if you had the conversion from the L&L board, that was mine! ;-)
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