So disappointed in the ethics of others
I usually don't write about stuff like this but this situation deserves attention. First of all, I want to thank everyone who has left posts on my blog. They are so appreciated and sweet. I think this is a great way to meet people and see what others all over the world are stitching. It is a fun, supportive way to showcase a hobby and make friends.
I am sorry to say, however, that one of my best friends is no longer blogging because of the actions of another blogging individual. This individual has deliberately sought out people who posted to my friends site and told them if they wanted to continue to be friends with this individual and continue to stitch in a particular stitching group, they better stop posting to my friends site. Can you believe this? I am so appalled by the actions of this individual and her lack of ethics as well as the people who have allowed that threat to effect them and have actually heeded it. You who are guilty of this should be ashamed of yourselves.
Are we in grade school? Are we adults with our own thoughts and knowledge of right and wrong, or aren't we? Now, I know there are always 2 sides to every situation and of course, i am biased to my friend's side. However, I also know her well and she is one of the nicest and most conscientious people I know. As far as the other person goes, all I have to say to you is, you get back what you give out, good or bad, and when that happens, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
I am sorry to say, however, that one of my best friends is no longer blogging because of the actions of another blogging individual. This individual has deliberately sought out people who posted to my friends site and told them if they wanted to continue to be friends with this individual and continue to stitch in a particular stitching group, they better stop posting to my friends site. Can you believe this? I am so appalled by the actions of this individual and her lack of ethics as well as the people who have allowed that threat to effect them and have actually heeded it. You who are guilty of this should be ashamed of yourselves.
Are we in grade school? Are we adults with our own thoughts and knowledge of right and wrong, or aren't we? Now, I know there are always 2 sides to every situation and of course, i am biased to my friend's side. However, I also know her well and she is one of the nicest and most conscientious people I know. As far as the other person goes, all I have to say to you is, you get back what you give out, good or bad, and when that happens, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.
At 3:49 PM,
Andie said…
That really suxs!!! I wondered where her blog went, I am pretty sure that we are thinking of the same person, please tell her I miss her and {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
At 4:57 PM,
Heather said…
Woah, wait, what?!? Someone really did this? I wonder if it's who I am thinking of that took her blog off, who's blog has disappeared? :( That is so upsetting. That is just pathetic. I would rant too, I am glad you did.
At 5:46 PM,
BeckySC said…
Oh, I didn't realize until reading your blog that --- had pulled her blog. Please ask her to come back. She had a lot of readers who enjoyed her postings and stitching....and she always commented on everyone's blogs. I am sure she will be missed by all. Whatever happened between the two individuals should NOT affect relationships with other bloggers for either of them IMO.....It's a shame that this has happened and gone this far. I am really sorry to hear of a fellow blogger leaving the community due to actions of another fellow blogger. I hope everything will be resolved.
--- if you are reading this, I am sure those that read your blog will miss it terribly as well as your visits to our blogs. I hope you will reconsider and return to the blogging community!
At 11:30 PM,
Sharon said…
How awful for you and your friend. It makes you wonder wether some people ever grow up and even worse to find out that other's heeded this persons instructions. I hope she will change her mind and continue to blog.
At 2:58 AM,
mainely stitching said…
Oh. I totally agree with what Becky said. Disagreements between individuals should remain between the individuals and not cause someone to leave the blogging community. How sad.
At 6:55 AM,
Bronzemom said…
I noticed that a blog on my reading list had suddenly disappeared...
I am so sorry to hear about this. Unfortuantely, there are a lot of folks out there who resort to gutter-techniques to make themselves feel better.
I sincerely hope your friend will return to the net and not let someone else tell her what she can and can't do.
At 9:40 AM,
Kali said…
ACK! What gives anyone the right to act like that to others? We are adults and we're blogging about stitching, you think we could all just get along despite our differences. Please do tell her we'd love to see her back
At 8:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
That is just terrible! I think I know which blogger has pulled her blog and I'm very disappointed :( Please ask her to reconsider - it would be a shame if she allowed the actions of one nasty person to influence her decision.
At 10:39 AM,
Rob said…
I am so sorry. I think she is one of the few who post on my blog. I couldn't link to her blog from mine.
Please tell her I will miss her.
The blogger who did this and those who allowed themselved to be bullied should be ashamed.
At 5:33 PM,
Cathy B said…
How sad! I am so sorry for your friend.
At 10:19 AM,
Rob said…
Thanks for visiting my blog, and thanks for the suggestion about the Silkweaver Stitchers Showcase. Since I have finally finished some of my projects I probably will enter this year! I went through a period where I was starting and stopping alot of projects. I seemed to have gotten into another grove this year finishing up WIPs. When you talk to Sue tell her thanks for being the first to post a comment. It was really encouraging and I am now starting to post on other blogs. I miss her positive force out here. I have not removed her blog from my reading list -- I keep clicking on it hoping it will come back.
Finally -- congratulations on your win on the 2006 Stitchers Showcase! I read about it on Sue's blog -- that is what brought me to your blog.
At 6:18 AM,
glamlawlib said…
This is indeed a sad day for our stitching/blogging community, which is, on the whole, one of the friendliest places on the web. Please pass on my best regards to the person affected. I hope that it won't put her off forever and that one day she will want to return.
At 7:10 AM,
Susimac said…
I think thats terrible - I agree with Becky its between the individuals. Ask your friend to come back and blog again - tell her not to let the actions of one person spoil her fun.
At 10:14 AM,
Lana said…
What a sicko idiot! I am so sorry fo ryour friend, I wish I knew who the idiot was, I want to make sure I don't read or encourage them, because THEY are the ones who deserve to be shunned!
At 2:43 PM,
Dani - tkdchick said…
Its a sad state of affairs indeed when grown adults act like pre-pubescent teenagers. I've seen some fantastic online communites revert to a pitiful existance because of personalities like this.
At 9:10 AM,
Katrina said…
What a shame, I read her blog regularly. I don't know what the situation is here, but it's a shame that things were so bad she felt she needed to discontinue blogging. I certainly hope she changes her mind.
At 11:13 AM,
Michelle said…
I am so sorry to hear the reason for her removing her blog. I've kept going to it, hoping it was a technical issue and would be back up. I have really missed seeing her beautiful stitching and wonderful posts. In fact, I sent an email this morning to someone asking if they knew what had happened to the blog and if everything was ok. I hope that she will continue to a be a part of the blogging community, as it is apparent from the comments here that she is missed and well-loved. Big hugs to her, and to you for speaking out about this.
At 12:06 PM,
Tobie said…
As I started reading your post, what came to my mind is 'you reap what you sow!'. It's sad that your friend has stopped blogging, but I hope she will know the majority of people would support her, and are smart enough to know that the tactics of the 'other person' are sick and plain wrong. BTW, I enjoy reading your blog but blogger often won't let me leave comments, keeping my fingers crossed this will work! :)
At 10:43 AM,
Adana said…
I have no clue who you're talking about, but I find it sad. I've been in the same situation myself and deleted my website because of it last summer. The whole grade school attitude in stitching circles of "if you're friends with them, you can't be friends with me" is so sad, and there are some very mean spirited people in the stitching community. I enjoy stitching friends that I find interesting and who enrich my life, but I get real tired of people who are "users" and people who do nothing but use you to complain about other stitchers who they in turn call their "friend" when they are in fact enemies. Tom Brokow said it best at a graduation speech "Here is a secret that no one has told you: Real life is junior high. The world that you are about to enter is filled with junior high, adolescent pettiness; pubescent rivalries; the insecurities of 13 year olds; and the false bravado of 14 yr olds" or something very close to that. It's my favorite thing in the world about what the real world is all about. I hope your friend will be her own person, not let the bad guys win and only pay attention to her true friends and let the others &^$# off and go crawl back under their 100 rocks where they belong.
At 9:07 PM,
Rob said…
Thanks Ann
She was 100 so it was not really a surprise -- but it is still sad. I just want to get to my mom and give her a hug.
At 3:36 PM,
Adana said…
email me, we should talk
adana69 (at)
At 5:35 PM,
Rachel V said…
Very sad, indeed. :( Hope your friend comes back to blogging soon.
At 8:57 PM,
Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said…
I have read snippits of this on other blogs and being fairly new to the world of blogging wondered what on earth was going on... However, after reading this post Ann... I now know at least what happened to a certain sweet lady who never failed to post an encouraging and inspiring comment on my blog... I have been wondering what happened to her blog and why she has not been around of late, and hoping all was well with her... When next you speak with her, Ann, please tell her I am sending her lots of love and hugs... I miss her posts and seeing her lovely stitching and my heart goes out to her...
At 1:33 PM,
Carto said…
Hey sweetie
I'm not sure of who it is you speak of - and I hope that whoever she is will read your blog and see that there are loads of lovely stitch bloggers out there who care. Well done you for speaking out. To know that someone has stooped so low as to do something as cruel and heartless as that needs to be shamed. It's an absolute disgrace. There's so much angst and nastiness in the world already without it affecting our wonderful blogging community. Well done sweetie - it needed to be said. xx
At 2:04 PM,
Carto said…
Hello - me again.
I've just looked through my blog bookmarks and discovered who it is. I would be very grateful if you could let her know that I miss her and that I hope to see her blog back soon. She always took the time to leave heartfelt and warm comments - please come back to us xx. Thank you Ann, bless your heart :) x
At 9:11 PM,
stitcherw said…
I'm so sorry to hear this. I think I know who this is, as I've had an individual on my blog list that the link hasn't worked in a while. I've kept it listed hoping it was a system glitch, or that she just needed a break. I enjoyed the comments that she would leave for me and miss visiting her blog. Please tell her I miss her for me.
At 6:28 AM,
Angi said…
Ann please add me to the list of those who wishes she would come back--I was hoping to meet all of the NH stitchers soon and had wondered where she went :( :( Please feel free to email me --I'd love to hear from you both.
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