Cutting it close

Well, I have pulled a Sue. ;) I have left myself this tiny, tiny space at the top and bottom of WOTM to frame with. Woops. So, I did more on WOTM becasue the colors are so much fun. However, I see I am going to need more Moonlight Madness and Shacklewell Wine. MM because it is all the wording plus accents throughout and SW because I am pretty sure that is what I am going to do the WOTM title in. Now comes the fun part, ordering it and waiting for it to ship. The last pattern, one pattern, I ordered from Stitching Bits & Bobs is taking over a month to get. I ordered it on July 25th and was finally emailed today that it shipped. I am just not happy with how long they take. I don't think I will do that again.
I finished Kiss the Girls by James Patterson and it was awesome. It was completely different than the movie and much better although I loved the actors who were in the movie. I am also reading Divided Minds about two sisters, twins, one with schizophrenia, one who becomes a psychiatrist. It is such an incredible story. Project Runway was on tonight and it was good but I miss the season 2 people. That's it for tonight. :D
At 10:53 PM,
Sharon said…
Those colors in WOTM are so pretty! I like Stitching bits and bobs-but I thought maybe I was the only one who thought that they took too long!
I'll have to read Kiss the Girls-I really liked the movie but never read the the book. Is it more in depth?
At 3:15 AM,
mainely stitching said…
Beautiful progress on WotM - and I guess I ought to order an extra skein of those two colors now.
My Dad and I love James Patterson's novels with Alex Cross. We swap them back & forth.
At 5:58 AM,
Jenn said…
WOTM is so pretty. I LOVE Kiss the Girls. It's my favorite James Patterson book (and movie). :)
At 8:05 AM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
Thanks again for the b-day pressie Ann. It made my day yesterday!
Isn't it frustrating when you end up with only a tiny bit of extra fabbie. I have done that on my Woodland Fairy:(
I just got into Project Runway this season. What did you think of the whole Jeffrey thing?
At 8:41 AM,
Leah said…
Oops, that is cutting it pretty close.
James Patterson is one of my favourite authors, although I haven't read Kiss the Girls yet.
At 10:19 AM,
Michelle said…
Wow! This is looking gorgeous! I love ordering from SB&B, but dang they take forever to ship.
At 12:36 PM,
Unknown said…
I love your WIP. I think you have plenty of room for framing. I was short on one side of my Cottage Garden Fairy and shortened her wand a bit to leave room on that side. I don't think anyone noticed! LOL
At 4:56 PM,
Carol said…
Oh no!!!!
At 7:20 PM,
The Queen's Stitch said…
Your WOTM is coming along so nicely! I love the colors.
A discount a nice, but it's definitely not worth waiting a month for something to ship. In my mind, that is just bad customer service.
At 8:20 AM,
Glenna said…
WOTM is looking wonderful! I think you'll have enough to frame with--you could always machine stitch muslin around the edges in a pinch. I order from SB&B, but only after reminding myself that it will absolutely take forever. I've been waiting for some charts for several weeks now, but as they'll just sit in my stash, I'm ok with it. When I need something more quickly, I go with ABC Stitch Therapy or Elegant Stitch if one of my two LNS's doesn't stock it.
At 8:33 AM,
LivnLaf said…
OMG!!!! You have progressed so well on this! The second OMG! for how close you came to the edge...that's a big "cringe!"...but you know how close you can come before it's a big mistake. It looks great regardless!
At 8:36 AM,
Erin said…
I had a similar fabric scare with Once Upon a Time! Glad yours came out ok.
SB& seems to be hit or miss. I've ordered from them 2 or 3 times, and only once has it taken more than 2 weeks to get my stuff (and that was because I ordered during one of their huge sales, plus I was ordering something that I knew Bobbie would have to special-order for me...and her supplier was delayed as well). ABC Stitch took FOREVER to send me my Fantasy Faire patterns earlier this year, too. But all of the ONS folks I've corresponded with online have been friendlier than my LNS owner, so I suck it up and deal with the ship times....
At 7:07 PM,
BeckySC said…
That's looking gorgeous so far. From working in an LNS I know our framer there loved to have at least 3 inches around the design-but has framed with much less. It looks like you have enough margin :)
Again, it's looking lovely!
At 11:51 PM,
Von said…
You've done some really great stitching this month! Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up with your blog - still have 200 entries to go. Cross your fingers that I'll catch up this weekend! :D
The colors in WOTM really are nice - looks like such fun to stitch.
At 10:47 AM,
Cathy B said…
I really like the colors in this piece. Beautiful!
At 12:57 AM,
CindyMae said…
WOTM is looking so lovely. The colors are so pretty. It does look like you cut a little close, but to me it still looks like it will work fine!
At 4:17 PM,
Crazee4books said…
This is a comment for this post and the previous one with the pictures of the lovely finishes. I love the haunted house. Autumn themes and Halloween themes in cross stitch are my all time favourites. Bet you had some anxious moments with the WOTM until you were sure you'd have enough fabric. I've heard many stitchers rave about that pattern.
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