Fun Finishes

I decided when I got up this morning that it was a day for finishes. I made frames the other night for Welcome Spots by the Drawn Thread and Roses are Red by Heart in Hand. I already picked up the mats for them and put them both together. They look fantastic and I am so pleased. Next I had this little quilt punch needle piece that I had no idea how to finish. But, last night I went to Michael's and bought some paper boxes and then wrapped it in fabric and secured the quilt to the top. It is really cute. And finally, I made my first flat fold, thanks to Judy Odel's book, from Lizzie*Kate's Beware of Cat. I am so proud of the way this turned out and it was fun to make. I have a few more patterns I want to turn into flat folds soon.

A few posts ago Sharon asked who the designer of the watermelon piece was. It is called Watermelon in the Garden by Fanci That and is one of my favorite pieces. It was a lot of fun to stitch. The Hippity Hoppity Spring bunny design was also a Fanci That and is called Folk Art Rabbit 'n Tree. Joyce asked if I had changed the colors on When This You See and yes, I did. Sue helped me pick new colors out because the colors they call for are mostly greys and brownish greens. I changed some of the browns to greens and greys to blue, especially the house.
And finally, Plymouth Sampler will be done tomorrow night. I would have been done tonight but I ran out of thread (370) with about 30 stitches to go. I was scouring the house for any thread bits in that color. I found a few but ended up with the background behind the Y and Z unstitched. I just had to laugh at how ridiculous it was to have so few stitches left and no thread. I made the frame for it the other night so I will put it all together tomorrow and post a pic.
At 9:39 PM,
Jenn said…
Your finishes look great! You did a great job on them all.
At 7:47 AM,
Glenna said…
How wonderful that you can stitch AND frame--they look absolutely professional. I'd love to learn how myself--the local places that I trust are prohibitively expensive, and the inexpensive places are scary (I know needleworkers with horror stories or ruined projects).
At 8:31 AM,
The Queen's Stitch said…
Your finishes look great! I always get hung up on finishing the finished project, you know? It's the most rewarding part, but the hardest for me to do.
I love your bat story! I have one too. We had come home late one evening, dropped the little one into his crib and then I went into the office to shut the window that DH had inadvertently left open, and in swooped a bat. Ugh. I closed myself into the baby's room and let DH deal with it. I do not do bats. Upon checking our bedroom to see if it had flown back out, I saw it hanging from the back of the bedroom door, with its head peeking over the top. Double ugh. DH opened up the windows and then chased the thing around the room, but it wouldn't go! He said the grossest part was when he shut the door to get at it and it turned around to face him. Triple ugh. It finally flew out the window of its own accord.
At 3:00 PM,
Carol said…
Nice finishes Ann!
At 4:05 AM,
lena-lou said…
What lovely finishes you have done!
At 6:59 PM,
Sharon said…
You make great frames. I wish I had that talent! Thanks so much for naming the designer for the watermelon piece. I must add to my wish list.
At 3:38 PM,
Lelia said…
Excellent job on your finishing frenzie. WOOT! Fantastic
At 11:45 PM,
Von said…
Love seeing finished finishes, lol! One day when the stars align properly, I hope to get some of my projects finished. :D
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