Why I don't garden and dive bombing bats

Well my friends, there is a reason I don't garden and this is it. I usually kill the pretty plants. It seems I have forgotten something here, what could it be??? Aha, I have it. Water! That essential ingredient for all plantlife. I did pretty good with this one though; brought it back from the brink of despair a few times, pulled all the deadheads off and trimmed it up. Even put it in a special place out back on the deck thinking that would remind me to water it. Nope, didn't matter. The evil plant killing lady struck again. :D
So, I am sitting at my desk today and I see this bird looking thing fly in my office, circle around, dive bomb me, and fly out. During its departing flight I realized what it was a bat. You see, we have a small bat problem at out office. The first time we realized we were infested was four years ago when a co-worker, Ruth, took her winter boots off and slipped a foot into the shoes she left under her desk. She realized something was in her shoe and upon further investigation....well, it was a bat. In her shoe. I would have run out of the building screaming. So, back to today's bat story. It flew down the hallway and into the conference room where Jenn was relaxing with a book. After she freaked out and I was down there talking to her we hear screeching from upstairs. Somehow (and Jenn and I still think there were 2 of them) the bat flew past us and upstairs where it was crawling around on the floor near another office. Then, we hear a scream and a door slammed shut. That was David and let me tell you that scream was all woman. Evidently the bat was in the stairwell and then flew up at him as he was coming down the stairs. He was able to shut it in Diane's office then came down to huddle with the rest of us wimps. So that is my bat story for today. Stay tuned next week at the same bat time, same bat channel.
Anyway, back to cross stitch. I am almost done with Plymouth Sampler but I want to wait until it is done and framed until I post another pic of it. I made frames with my Dad last night and the one for PS is so pretty. It is done in maple with a beveled edge and stained in cherrywood which really brightens up the piece and accentuates all the colors. I made 2 other frames for projects I bought mats for and will hopefully have them done this weekend. Here is a picture of the 3rd design in spring snapperland, the coop.

At 10:29 PM,
Carol said…
OK, I am an avid gardener, so here is a tip - yep, you need to water potted plants. They rely on you. But, try perennials planted in the ground. They seem to gather more water/moisture on their own and are much, much harder to kill. By living in a pot, the plant is at an immediate disadvantage. So, next year, plant some daylilies, perennial phlox, hostas, black eyed susans, and have some fun! Look forward to your pics then! And, if you would like, you may have divisions off of some of my plants to prime your garden right up!
Glad you survived the bat!
At 10:25 AM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
Great finish on your BC. It is really cute!
At 4:21 PM,
Glenna said…
You need to create a sampler called bats in the belfry! It could feature dead plants with bats (wearing little grins) flying around. Your story was a riot. I try to remember the poor potted plants in my yard but get distracted until they're all slumping over too...murderesses, that's what we are.
At 5:11 PM,
Crazee4books said…
I use to try and grow house plants years ago b.c. (before cats). But I would never remember to water them. Our outdoor ones would probably suffer a dire fate as well but DH waters everything religiously. So how did you get the bat out of the office???? Cheers
At 7:43 AM,
AuntSuze said…
Sounds like we have the same luck with plants, I need to try that water thing too, lol.
Your wip is great and I cant wait to see your frame PS. LOL at the bat story, I would have been the one running from the building screaming!!
At 3:29 PM,
Michelle said…
I am a plant killer too - I confess. The water thing gets me too. I am so envious of Carol's garden because I am so bad at taking care of my own plants. Your coop looks awesome!!
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