PS is almost done

I stitched this little house fob up for my friend Sue and sent it to her monday. It was so fun to stitch. I put a nice red fabric on the back and learned from another blog how to make cord with a drill. It is so easy I couldn't believe it. I am really happy with how it came out. (I have been trying to upload a pic of the back but blogger won't cooperate).
My friend Diane lost her cat Chex this past weekend; he was really sick. I know from experience how awful that is. The "cat" from cat and turtle, whose name was Bonzo but I called her Meows, died 2 years ago from kidney disease. Not a day goes by that I don't think of her. I still have that turtle. She carried it all over the house and every day I would come home to find that turtle in a different place. Watching her carry it up and down stairs was the coolest thing I have ever seen. It was like her baby. I waited with a camera for 20 minutes to get that picture of her coming out of my bedroom with the turtle in her mouth. So, I found a Chessie & Me design called Starry Cat that I ordered and am going to stitch up for Diane in honor of Chex. The cat in the design looks exactly like her cat.
Been wearing glasses for 2 days....can't take them anymore...must have new contacts.
At 10:03 PM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
Great work on PS. It is a great piece! I also love the little fob you stitched for Sue. Making cording is fun, isn't it. My hubby get frustrated when I mess up his drill though:)
At 5:52 AM,
Annemarie said…
The story behind your 'cat and turtle' is so cute. Sorry to hear about your friend's loss, though. PS - as others have said before me - is beautiful . So is your fob. Wow, that looks really good!
At 8:02 AM,
LivnLaf said…
You are very thoughtful to do such nice things for your friends. Just a toss out...maybe when you stitch that piece of the can put Chex with a gold star on either side of his name rather than the initials and date? Then stitch your initials and date in a small area if you want to have your initials on there? Just a thought...
At 2:37 PM,
Carol said…
Pretty little fob! And right up Sue's alley - she needed that pick me up this week, you are good friend to her :-)
At 2:56 PM,
Michelle said…
Love you fob! How pretty and thoughtful. Your other friend will really appreciate the starry cat - a good choice!
At 11:41 PM,
Carol said…
Ann - I saw your wish list! I have something for you :-) Would you mind emailing me your mailing address?? My email is :-)
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