What a Nice Surprise

Yesterday was such a boring day at work, it was awful. When I got home I had a surprise waiting for me from Carol. She saw my wish list and sent me Sudden Storm by Silkweaver. It is this great big piece and it is so beautiful. It is 32ct Jobelan, which I love. There was also a sweet kitty card with it. Thank you Carol so much! That was so sweet of you.
As soon as I opened it up I ran upstairs with cats in tow to look at my design stash to see what it goes with the best. I decided to use it on 2 pieces. Peter Underhill's Wizard and Bent Creek's Winter Snapperland. I think I have enough on one end for the snapperland and the rest for the Wizard. I can't wait to start them.
Did anyone watch Project Runway last night? Scandal! Someone was asked to leave because he brought pattern and fashion books with him to the show which is a big no-no. I am so addicted to that show, it is just so much fun to watch. And Prison Break starts up again on August 21st. Another awesome show.
Blogger is being a PITA, it won't let me upload pics which I saw Carol was having that problem last night too. I hope they fix it soon. I have decided to do a To Do list for August. My first one.
1. Finish Plymouth Sampler and frame it
2. Finish Spring Snapperland
3. Make frames for 2 Welcome Spots and Roses are Red and frame them with mats
4. Work on Women of the Mayflower SAL with Carol, Sue, and anyone else doing it.
5. Work on Leslie's Peacock Garden
6. Finish one UFO
7. Work on Sheldon Hawk House
8. Finish Haunt the Night Away
9. Finish Winter Soapbox
Ambitious but do-able....I hope. :)
At 12:11 PM,
Juanita said…
That fabric is so pretty! I have smaller pieces of it in a couple of different counts. Such a nice color.
We're hooked on Project Runway, too. But it's on past my bedtime, so we have to tape it each week and watch it the next day. I knew someone was asked to leave, but won't find out who until I get home this evening. Can't wait! :)
At 12:23 PM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
What a pretty fabbie! Carol is so sweet.
I saw PR for the first time last night. I may have to watch again next week!
At 12:59 PM,
Michelle said…
Beautiful piece of fabric! I think both projects would be fabulous on this. Check the grey thread on Winter Snapperland against your fabric though just to be sure. Great goal list!
At 2:51 PM,
Carol said…
You are welcome - so glad it went to a good home :-)
At 5:56 AM,
Annemarie said…
What lovely fabric! And big enough to stitch two projects on it! Nice... I love your seasonal wall. Isn't it great that we can all change our seasonal walls to fall soon?
At 11:29 AM,
Jenn said…
That is a pretty fabric that Carol sent to you.
I'm hooked on PR too. I was a little dissapointed in this weeks. I thought the person who got kicked off would have put up more of a fight to stay. I guess I was just looking for more drama then we got.
Ohhh thanks for reminding me about Prison Break. I love that show.
At 4:48 PM,
Carol said…
It was great to meet you today, Ann!!! Your framing was lovely on both of Sue's pieces!!! Um, how much do you charge for framing?? I have a massive pile! LOL (I am serious, by the way....)
At 4:58 PM,
Carto said…
Hey sweetie
Thanks for dropping by to my blog.
Wow, what awesome friends you have. Not only do they give you fabric, but they give you enough fabric for not only one, but two projects - how cool is that?! I love the wizard design - it would be the sort of thing I stitch - and Bent Creek has always been my favourite. I have the 'Luck' and Moon' designs on my list to stitch and I can't wait. I've not seen PR - being in the UK, it takes us a while to catch up - I'll look out for it though! Love and light to you xx
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