Here I am

I feel like I haven't blogged in about a week. Oh, I haven't. I have been crazy busy. I have barely stitched in the past week. I am on the board of directors at my condo association and just got promoted to president because she stepped down for personal reasons. OMG! I thought I was going to be sick during the meeting when I found this out. Kim, the former president, is so knowledgable about law, rules, etc. and I feel so behind so for the past week I have been reading bylaws and rules and regulations. I am obsessed with Roberts Rules of Order and just want to be super prepared for the next meeting I will have to run. yikes.
When I have been stitching, I have been working on Scarlet Berries (pic soon) and Sheldon Hawks House which is the picture here. I love this design. It is all dmc and it is on 40ct, which is crazy but I love it. Well, I am off to finish watching Project Runway and then to bed. Oh, I finished Divided Minds and it was so amazing. I totally recommend it. I started Midwives by Chris Bojhalian and it is wonderful too. Oh, and the new show on tonight, Justice, was awesome! Okay, bye!
At 10:44 PM,
Carol said…
Congratulations Ann! I am sure you will do well as the new Prez!! I love your WIP of Sheldon Hawks House! I stitched that one last year or in 2004, but used 32 ct... I like yours better on 40 ct :-)
At 11:01 PM,
CindyMae said…
The Sheldon Hawks House is going just beautiful! Congrats on getting the promotion to President, I am sure you will be fantastic at it!!!!
At 1:47 AM,
mainely stitching said…
I love this design - now that I've seen yours, I feel compelled to start mine...but I have about a million commitments between now & November. (I am my own worst enemy!)
At 1:48 AM,
Sharon said…
Oh my I think you are enabling me! Love Sheldon Hawks House! Looks great!
Congrats on your new presidential position-you'll be great!
At 4:28 AM,
lena-lou said…
You have certainly got on with alot since I last visited your blog and all is looking fab. Congrats on being the new President although I can understand your feeling sick feeling but I bet you will be just great at it!
At 6:06 AM,
Jenn said…
Thanks for making me smile today. I have a friend who will tell me that he's 'crazy busy' and besides him I've never heard anyone else use that term. Congratulations on the new position. I know you'll do fine.
At 7:59 AM,
Leslie aka zoeandcooper said…
Good luck with your new position in your condo association. I am sure you will do a wonderful job in the position!
Your house is looking wonderful!
At 8:28 AM,
Glenna said…
Sheldon HH is great--I love the colors. Congratulations on the condo association presidency (but also yikes--kind of a pain). If you get a chance, check this link to the Horchow collection--I thought of you when I saw it. It's a tortoise foot stool in leather. I have odd animal touches in my house: a glass-topped accent table supported by rabbits, and a bear pedestal, so I'm thinking of adding it to my collection although it's a bit pricey:
Welcome back also, I've been too busy to post lately also...
At 8:52 AM,
Leah said…
Love the house, and the fabric is so pretty!
At 1:13 PM,
Michelle said…
Love your house piece! Congrats on becoming President! I loved Midwives. Hope you enjoy reading it.
At 8:23 PM,
Crazee4books said…
Hi Ann, I read "Midwives" a month or so ago and thought it very good too. A friend from the book club that I belong to gave me her copy of the book because she decided that she didn't have time to read it nor room to keep it. I don't have much room left either, but I kept it anyways. Cheers Judy
At 4:32 PM,
Von said…
Wow, 40 ct! I gotta give that a try sometime, but I'll be sure to have my trusty magnifier nearby. :D Great work!
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