Well, starting about a month ago, there was a peculiar sound coming from the wall in my bedroom. Something was definitely nesting in there, making a complete nuisance of itself. The cats, especially Bella, were quite intrigued, but when it started waking me up at 3 in the morning, I was less than thrilled. I first thought it was a squirrel or chipmunk and someone even suggested it was a bat, but the timely was off for that one. I got one of those $30 rodent sonar repelant thingies but that didn't work since it was scratching around 6 inches above where that was plugged in. I tried a have-a-heart trap but it was so light, it wasn't setting off the trap, just licking all the peanut butter off the bread in the trap. I was totally against the killing of the creature but finally it came down to it....or me and my sanity. So, I got a mouse whacker. Mouse goes in. mouse doesn't come out. I got 2 of them. And there haven't been any sounds coming from the wall since. Well, except for Bella scratching the wall, hoping to get an answer back.

So, here is the confetti quilt I did last weekend. It is so much fun and was a blast to make. I love it and the coolest part is I had all the material already so no purchase was necessary. And, I am not going to be able to stitch Celtic Autumn this thursday so I did it early and here it is. I finished the entire bottom of the dress.