RAK and Halloween
Today was a great day I must say. I did some homework, stitched a lot, went to the cross stitch store in Bedford and was RAKd. I bought Mirabilia's new Halloween Fairy. I love it! I am not a huge fan of Miribilia. Well, I love how they all look but I don't have a strong desire to stitch them. Weird. But this Halloween Fairy is so cool. And I was looking at the Christmas Fairy holding the little tree. I have to do that one too. Oh, and the Easter Fairy with the little eggs. Okay, I have to do that one too. So, I can't wait to start the Halloween Fairy. I also picked up The Blessing by Examplars from the Heart. I got some R & R Reproduction Fabric for it. I need to start writing down the fabrics I get b/c I can never remember their names. And I got all the WDW threads for it too and there were some interesting ones...Noel, Old Glory, Conch, Kentucky Bluegrass...this is going to be one interesting design. I wonder which Autumn it will be done in...06, 07, 08. I love stitching Fall and Halloween. It's my favorite stitching holiday.
So, I saw a really good friend of mine today and she surprised me with a just because gift. She gave me Examplars from the Heart's Leslie's Peacock Sampler, beautiful 32ct Country French Latte linen and all the CC threads to stitch it. It was such a sweet thing to do and really made my day. It was a RAKing. I can't wait to start stitching it. The colors are so beautiful; reds, blues, golds, greens. It put a smile on my face for the rest of the day.
Oh, and good news, I finished Remember Me from Blackbird Designs. I love the way it came out. Some of the brownish colors are a little too similar but I still love it. Yea. I wish I could remember the name of this linen because it was great to work on. Must write down linen names.
It's 10:30pm, I have the munchies, and cereal is the best invention next to ice cream.

It's 10:30pm, I have the munchies, and cereal is the best invention next to ice cream.
At 3:59 AM,
mainely stitching said…
I just love cereal late at night, even though I've got a mild allergy to milk.
Your BD finish is so beautiful! I just love it!!
At 8:14 AM,
LivnLaf said…
"Just Because" gifts are the BEST! Giving and receiving. Everything you posted looks so nice!
At 9:29 AM,
AuntSuze said…
Great Blackbird finish!!!!
Happy stitching!
At 12:38 PM,
Susimac said…
Love the Blackbird finish it look great
At 2:48 PM,
Jenn said…
I do like the Miribilia patterns but, I seem to start them and not finish them because they are so big. That is why I like the Fairies. They are just the right size to get done in a quick enough time. I can't wait to see what the last 3 will be. I"m guessing, St. Patricks Day, Valentines Day and the 4th of July. :)
At 11:06 AM,
Jinger said…
Your "Remember Me" looks great!!! Good job!
At 7:08 AM,
Dani - tkdchick said…
Isn't it wonderful to be RAK'ed???
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