New Projects

I decided I didn't have enough to stitch ;) so I started 2 more projects. I got the BC freebie border for spring summerland so I started that on 32ct Dove Grey wichelt linen. It looks so cute and I have 3 chickens done on it so far. I also picked up The Sheldon Hawks House by The Goode Huswife and started that on 40ct Antique Copper by R & R. This is the first project I have done on 40ct and I really like it. I sense a new trend coming on. I also stitched some more on PS.
Yesterday I picked up the pup and brought her to her house, she is such a sweetie. She was covered in dirt from rolling around with the other crazy dogs. Then I went to my parents house and we met my aunt and uncle at Prescott Park in Portsmouth. They have musicals each summer and the one this summer is Oliver. So, we had a picnic and even though it was 95 degrees out, it was shaded and really nice. I went for a walk downtown and went in some shops during the intermission because I had to stretch. Portsmouth is so much fun. There are so many restaurants and shops and people walking around. I can't believe the weekend is over; it went by so fast I don't feel like I had one. Sharon asked a few posts ago why I was unhappy with my stitches on Haunt the Night Away. Well, the stitches are kind of over one another instead of separate. They just don't look like stitches should look. :) It happens from stitching with the sewing method with hand dyed thred and the way I do it. The problem is I like to go fast because I have so much stash and I want to stitch all of it, well, now. Yes, I am being too hard on myself. I am happy with my stitches usually but for some reason HTNA is giving me trouble.
Thank you all for all the sweet comments about Chester aka The Boy. He is a tuxedo cat with long fur and is the sweetest thing. He appreciates all the attention. And this week on Project Runway there is a scandal. Someone gets sent home before the judging for doing something they aren't suppose to. I love that show. And for all you fantasy book fans, Phantom by Terry Goodkind is soooo good. But if you are going to pick it up I suggest reading books 1 - 9 first or it won't make any sense. He is a great writer. Oh, and I also went to an Arbonne party at my friend Gail's house friday night. We had so much fun doing facials and trying on make-up. I love makeup so.....I bought makeup. A lot of makeup, just in time for fall. I love the fall, it is my favorite season.
Finally, Red, thank you for your suggestion of putting the name of my friends cat, Chex, at the bottom of the Starry Cat design. I am definitely going to do that. Awesome suggestion! Thanks.